Tiny Santa Collage

I found some really cool small canvases at my local art store. They had some that were the same size as an ATC (3 1/2″x 2 1/2″) so I used one for this collage. I took an image of Santa from an old postcard and mounted him to some music sheet and then layered it with cardstock, cutting the edges to make it look likeĀ a postage stamp. I used Tim Holtz crackle paint (love the stuff!) and ink for the background. I stamped cancellation and date marks on it with Staz-On ink. I had an old wooden game piece that had the number 25 on it, so I soldered around it and added it to the piece. The edges of the piece are wrapped with ribbon so it doesn’t need to be framed.


One Response to “Tiny Santa Collage”

  1. Els says:

    this is beautiful !!!!
    (all things tim group)

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