At the Beach

My mom recently came back from Florida (were she was born) and brought back some really neat tiny sea shells and ask if I wanted some for my artwork and of course I did:) I used them in this fun little collage of a mermaid laying on the beach. I love mermaids almost as much as I do fairies:) I took a vintage image of a lady in a swimsuit and cut off her legs and added the tail of a fish from a vintage nature book, they didn’t really “match” so I wrapped some rickrack around her waist and it helped to tie the two halves of her together (sounds like Dr. Frankenstein or something, hehe) I inked up the small canvas (which is 3 3/4″ 2  3/4″) with various shades of blues, greens and yellows and wrapped yellow grosgrain ribbon around the edges to hide the staples. I tore and sanded cardstock for the beach, attached the mermaid and then added real sand mixed with Tim Holtz’s glitter glue for a very realistic looking beach. I then added those great shells from my mom and stamped and cut out a plaque and added the words “A day at the beach” cut from a vintage book. Makes me wish I was at the beach!



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4 Responses to “At the Beach”

  1. Nancy says:

    Heather, this is beautiful!! Makes me yearn to be on a beach!

  2. Eileen says:

    Your collage is wonderful! I love mermaid images too. I have a friend who is obsessed with them…we’re in NYC and every year she makes a costume and marches in the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island. I’m gong to send her to your blog. She’ll get such a kick out of your canvas.
    Eileen (from ATT)

  3. HeatherH says:

    Thanks ladies!
    My husband and I were once invited to a Halloween party with a Pirate theme and of course I wanted to be different than everyone else and went as a mermaid, it was a huge hit at the party:)

  4. inge says:

    nice canvas !
    The use of glitterglue and sand gives a very, very good effect !

    greetings from belgium

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